Cloughbank Farm
Airport Services, Infrastructure, Civil Engineering
Structural alterations to a grade 11 listed building for Manchester Airport
Cloughbank Farm is a grade 11 listed building dating from the 16th century and owned by Manchester Airport. The building consists of three reception/living rooms, kitchen, utility and office at the ground floor level. The first floor is made up of three bedrooms, a bathroom and a shower. The house is of part timber-framed and part masonry construction, with a roof covering of stone slabs or blue slates, due to the state of disrepair a report and list of recommendations commissioned by the Client and after a tender process, we were appointed to carry out the remedial works.
- Location Wilmslow Old Road Manchester
- Completion Date May 2020
- Services Provided Structural Alterations to Farmhouse and Outbuildings
- Project Duration 18 Weeks
The works were split into three categories which were;
- Make safe and clear out all debris including structural propping and overlaying areas of defective flooring and providing adequate access to the first floor and loft. M&E testing and certification, also some part demolition of some of the outbuildings.
- Essential repairs to prevent further deterioration included erecting a scaffold and waterproof protection to the complete building, carrying out roof repairs including to the valley, gutters and flags/slates and chimney stacks. A full refurbishment and demolition asbestos survey was also completed.
- Structural repairs and refurbishment which included removing the roof coverings and a detailed inspection of the timber roof structure, removal of existing masonry to allow inspection of the timber posts then repair and preservation work to the historic timbers was undertaken, repairing of old timber lintels by stitching and remedial works were carried out to rectify dampness. Defects/cracks to walls and ceilings were rectified in line with all the conservation requirements defective chimneys, areas of brickwork pointed or replaced, new doors, windows and frames were fitted and on completion, the internal was decorated.
All works were completed with due consideration to all ecological issues in particular with regard to bats and newts.